Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Still in Augusta

Marvin wants to thank all of you for keeping him in your prayers. He is struggling still with the nausea and bleeding from the site of his surgery. The constant nausea has taken a toll on his attitude and he isn't certain it is worth the fight to keep going. I have the same talk with God each night to give him hope and calm his queasiness and each day hear of his struggle. I leave Chas for Augusta tomorrow to see what I can do ask for meds for the depression and stomach distress. He has been told that his digestion has been partically paralyzed but he was so much better at home. We ask for healing with his digestion and thus an end to the nausea that has kept him so low. I want so much to send good news. He needs it so badly. Thank you Brian and Saradell Dantzler for the visit! He sounded so much better after seeing you. Not all is dark for there have been mornings after the prayer group has offered his name to God that the nausea has calmed for hrs.
I plan to dress him abit for halloween as we did last year amd get him up in his chair. As before we plan to give out sweets instead of get them! Hosp. staff loves this.
Thank you for your love and concern for us. I know we will come thru this soon and pray that we can get his strength back up so that he can again drive his chair.
Gpd Bless

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The power of prayer

It is Sat. and the last note from Marvin was that he could tell that we had sent prayer up for him as the nausea had abated, the blood pressure was down and the fever was gone. After a good report I am often afraid to call again as this has been such a time of ups and downs. I left Augusta Thursday for Penland NC and a few days w/ Amanda. She is enrolled in a metals class for two months and is loving it. I have never been here when the leaves were turning and it is a glorious testemony to GOD's majesty. I am taking pictures to show MArvin as h loves the mountains. I head back to Augusta on Monday and hope to get him home soon after. I take the cards and tell him of the calls and hugs sent his way. Keeping his spirits up is of great importance as healing begins with the spirit.
We love you and thank you for keeping Marvin on your mind. "We can do all things thru God who strengthens us"

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We need your prayers

Marvin has developed several problems since the surgery. He had many blood clots Thursday night and was monitored all night. He's had many episodes of high blood pressure and has been running a fever each night. He is tired and ready to come home but until the cause for the fever is found we are here in Augusta. Marvin needs to feel hope and he needs a break from having one more thing go wrong.
Keep him in your prayers, please.
God Bless