Thursday, September 28, 2006

Marvin comes thru

The bladder stone surgery went well and they removed 8 large stones. We will have to get him up more to move his legs and bladder. Now they will work on the distended stomach and more physical therapy. He needs that more than anything else. Yesterday marvin became his old self and faced off with the doctor about too many antibiotics and too long a wait for surgery! It was then scheduled in a hour for the next morn. He wheeled down to PT and just waited until someone worked with him on his arms. He is back and it is because of prayer. he had been so down that he asked me to work with the docs; for me to call people for help. He has found his voice and his strength and his HOPE. Thank you for prayer athat doesn't stop. He sends his thanks to you all.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Marvin needs our Prayers Now

Spoke to Cathie yesterday and Marvin is back in the Veterans Hospital in Charleston. He went in because of some nausea and dizzyness but they admitted him to a ward and then things went downhill. Seems he was rooming with some really sick patients and picked up pneumonia. Now he really is sick and needs our prayer to get out of a bad situation and back home so he can return to his rehabilitation.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Recovery continues

MArvin has been home a week and we have continued our efforts to get more physical therapy in the Charleston area. Got a call from Congressman Henry Brown thru my wonderful cousin Dan Moon. We hope Brown can help us get the VA moving on therapy at MUSC or perhaps Health South which has a therapy pool. Such a pool has its temp at 94-96 so a quad's body temp won't drop to dangerous levels. I still work his legs and hands but he needs someone stronger. Checked the Harper Students Center and found help there so we may start soon with a trainer. We have a new person to help us each morning and I am so hopeful that she will be the one we have prayed for so long. Your cards and calls cheer Marvin and give him hope that he will walk again. I pray for the ability to feed himself and turn a page but there is room for all of that in our prayers.
Thank you for the love that keeps us going. The community of God's people is a power in prayer. His blessings on you all!