Friday, January 19, 2007

Off of the Ventilator


Marvin is off of the vent as of 2pm today and is breathing on his own with an oxygen mask. He is able to speak with us and provide us with encouragement and hope. Marvin greatly appreciates your thoughts and you prayers. He is well aware of the love and support that everyone has been sending and is very encouraged by those who have visited. The power of prayer is at work here and his marked improvement is a testament to that. We can not thank you enough for your support.
Hopefully Marvin will continue to stabalize through the night and we can cut back on his antibiotics in time.
We will keep you all posted on his recovery.
God Bless.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Spoke with Cathie on Sunday and Marvin is back in intensive care with sever complications. He asperated some medications into his lungs and developed Pneumonia. They also have had to put a trachea in to get him oxygen and since they have not yet been able to put the stomach tube back in he is having to get nurishment with IV's. MARVIN NEEDS OUR PRAYERS AS MUCH NOW AS SINCE THE ACCIDENT. PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO AS MANY PRAYER GROUPS AS YOU KNOW.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A New Year's posting

Marvin remains in the VA and in isolation for a staph infection. His doctor wants to put in a feeding tube like they did last year as he is eating very little. The nausea had him so low for so long that his stomache is very small and food there isn't good. I would perfer to bring him home rather than have the surgery but it isn't up to me. The good new is that he will be coming home either way. He is so bored in the hosp. for there is little for him to do. You know it is hard for Marvin to just sit and look out the window or at TV. I couldn't visit with him on New Year's as I have gotten a rotten cold. I got as far as Columbia and stayed with my wonderful friend Sara and husband Ed and went to bed until I could drive back home.
When you are praying for Marvin, please add one for our minister's grandchild. He was diagosed with a brain stem tumor which is inoperable. I believe he is only 3. We need one of God's miracles to save him.
God Bless