Sunday, March 11, 2007

Home and doing well

To all who have been praying with us...Thank you. I am getting out some with Cathie. I have a trainer to help with my therapy and I am gradually getting stronger. It is so nice to stare at my own ceiling and not the hospital's when I wake. I continue to be supported by friends who visit and it means so much to my recovery. Thank you to all who have stayed with me when Cathie has a meeting or errand. The new bathroom is coming along again...had to rip out quite a bit that wasn't done correctly. Hopefully I will be able to use it in the next few weeks.
Mandy is in New Zealand until late May and Trey has just returned from 3 weeks in Illinois. I am working hard to get back some use of my arms to drive my chair and help Cathie with my care. I am still amazed at the people who have sent food and cards and hug me when they see me. A Citadel classmate sent me a dvd called Joni's Story about a quad who has learned to paint without hands and gives messages of hope to so many. It was such an inspiration.
Bless you all