Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday afternoon

Dear Friends
Your prayers are still reaching us in Augusta and helping turn things around. Last night when I spoke with Marvin I was very concerned about his speech which was slurred and his eating which was little or none. Our great friends Mickey and Betty Floyd were heading to Columbia and then to Augusta and offered me a ride for the day. I was able to see Dr. Thomas and Marvin and get a first hand briefing on what is happening here. Marvin has been on some powerful drugs some of which had him too sleepy to function and the nausea had lessened but he had not eaten enought to keep his body going. This impacted his physical therapy and occupational therapy so much that he was too weak to function. Today we talked about lowering and eliminating some of these drugs. By the time we left we were able to see some small change and with continued prayers we hope the nausea will give him a rest.
Back on the home front we are selling Marvin's car and then plan to trade mine in on a newer van that we can equipt for Marvin to get around and hopefully drive. It is our hope that he can start getting stronger soon and we can look at ways to build things in the house that will help him in rehab and allow him to get to the back yard. If you have a desire to help us with the finishing touches on the new bath we plan to build, please let me know. Sometime in Nov. we hope to have the back wall up and be ready for tile, electrical and plumbing.
Thank you for lifting Marvin and me up in prayer. It has been harder this weekend for me and I can't thank you enough for all you do for us.
In God's love


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Cathie and Marvin, It seems that the past week or so has been rough going. I was just reading an afternoon devotional and I thought it might give you a lift. Sometimes we need a lift several times a day! So I pray that this helps and just to remind you both that God is more present than ever.
Scripture: "All things work together for good... to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8: 28
Devotional: "Are you passing through the deep waters of trial and disappointment? Does everything seem to be going against you? These apparent misfortunes are not accidents. The Lord allows such things for a blessed purpose. So patiently trust Him. If you know the Lord, someday you will praise Him for it all!" -Richard De Haan
"What looks like just an accident
When viewed through human eyes,
Is really God at work in us- His blessing in disguise. -Sper
I hate that it has been a tough week and I can imagine that you are both ready for God to work a tad on the quicker side, but I know He is very present, even if it seems He is hiding His face. He is not. (That inspiration I also took from Oswald Chambers, who assures us that God never loses His focus on us.) I pray that as the week progresses, that Marvin you will regain your energy for therapy and that Cathie you will maintain your spirit of perserverance. Love and prayers. Elizabeth

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marvin and Cathie,

It sounds like you have some good plans in place, and that is so valuable, and I'm sure that folks in your area will lend a hand. Sometimes we need to help in a physical project - where we can see progress - to give us the boost to keep right on praying. We are here for you, hold that close.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cathie and Marvin, 9/6 5:30pm
Greetings from Rachel and Sheryl. What a joy to see you this weekend, Cathie. Mom suggested that you give Marvin a little piece of peppermint candy or ginger under his tongue. Peppermint and raspberry tea are also good for nausea. We lift you in prayer continually and trust the Lord to carry you. Tonight is MBA Ethics again with seven presentations. Blessings, Sheryl

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Marvin, Billy and I are very concerned that you are discouraged. Discouragement is the
devil's favorite tool against us. God tells us to ask, believe for it, thank Him when we ask for the answer and be persistent. Don't give up. I am your siste-in-law who believes and sees you restored as I pray. Don't say, "that would be nice." God knows He can do it. Your mother and Billy need for you to fight.(She is fine). And, don't eat hotdogs and pork...they take 72 hrs. to go through the system. Isn't there some one there who could make carrot, celery, and apple juice? Not "smoothies" because your system is too out of order for that, yet.
Blessings, Mary Elizabeth

11:57 AM  

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