Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A small bump in the road

Marvin has been in the Columbia Voc. Rehab. Center for two weeks. He calls it summer camp and has made progress. He has some more movement in his hands but the real break thru has been in the pool! He is still so excited about being upright and able to walk a few steps in the pool with a floatation device. They have great therapists with him and he feels safe and just plain great.
After I left him this Sunday he was fine until about 2AM. Then the nausea started and continued until there was nothing left. I found out when I called on Monday to say hello and the great staff worked with him thru the night. By Tuesday he felt like he needed to be admitted to the hosp. As per VA policy he couldn't come home but had to go to the Dorn Hosp in Columbia. He has been there much of the day but he is now being allowed to go back to the Voc. Rehab Center. Praises be!! He has been given three bags of fluid and a med or two and it coming back from the "pit of despair". Thru the help of some great staff I was able to talk with him and hear the news that he feels human again and on the mend. Sunday we stopped to get gas and picked up a sandwich for him as he had missed supper. It may have been food poisoning so they think.
We are so grateful for your prayers as it lifts our spirit and prayer changes things for those who believe! I see him getting better and know God is at work!


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