Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Talked to Cathie just now and got the latest on Marvin. He had a very strenous day yesterday in Thearpy and Cathie said that the Physical Thearpy staff pointed out to her that even if can not yet move his arms he is making the muscles in his arms contract. The down side of all this effort on building up his muscles is that he suffered from plain old leg cramps last night and did not get much sleep. He is continuing to eat a little more each day but that has brought on a little nausea ( Cathie and Mandy got him a milkshake while out yesterday and he drank a little). He also had a little temperature last evening ( degree or two)but this the staff took care of. Marvin is starting to meet the staff and other patients and that is a positive sign in my book. Cathie says that Marvin has reached that stage of recovery where he has periods of depression ( over the slowness of his progress) but that the staff and patients are all helping him get through that. He finally received my mail yesterday that I mailed Friday so it may take a few days but keep the cards coming and of course the prayers. If anyone happens to be going to Atlanta, look on the link for Shepard Center on the side of the blog and there you will find directions on how to get to Shepard. It is only about one mile off I-85 not far from downtown Atlanta. Best time for a "short" visit is between 4:30 and 8:30 PM during the week. Will close for now and hope this helps keep everyone up to date.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cathie and Marvin,
Just a thought for the day:
"By perseverance the snail reached the Ark."

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
-Hebrews 12:1
Hang in there! God is still holding you today, tomorrow and forever. Love, Elizabeth

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have you all in my prayers each day. It is wonderful to be able to keep up with your progress on this blog. I know that with
God's help, you will continue to improve!

Deborah Davis

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cathie and Marvin,
Keep up the hard work!!! I know the physical therapy must be extremely strenuous, as well as eating meals again. The doctors and staff sound so good at the Shepherd Center. We are so thankful that you are able to be there for rehab. I am sending a big hug through the computer-can you feel it?!
I miss you both!

6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aren't computers wonderful?
It is so nice to be able to check Marvin's progress each day. This blog is wonderful.
Hang in there, Marvin, and God will continue to bless you, and all who care for you.
Here's a bunch of hugs:
and some kisses from my little ones: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Betty DeVane and (extended) family

9:47 AM  

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