Friday, July 15, 2005

From the mouth of Bill

I imagine for those of you who know Bill Moore, this will need no explanation. But for those of you who may not, Bill has known Marvin for a very long time and even has the pleasure of crediting Marvin for introducing him to his wife.

Here is what he had to say after visiting them at Shepard's:

"Just returned from visiting Marvin at Shepard this evening and was shocked to find him sitting up and eating. The chair he was in was equipped with a puffer tube to control the motion of the chair. He also had a puffer tube to call the Nurse. Marvin was exhausted from all he had done today but I watched him eat his first meal in three weeks. Not a lot but a start.
They are at a difficult place and need our prayers and positive support more now than even before." -Bill Moore


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